Hey Everyone!


So, it’s an absolute honor having you here on my site. It’s taken me some time to develop this page, and it’s finally manifested into reality, so I appreciate you guys taking the time to check out everything.

One of my main reasons I wanted to make a webpage - despite the fact we live in a social media driven world and knowing I could work those many platforms to my advantage just as much - I feel a website still has as much relevance today as it always has, and in this day an age, resumes can only do so much.

So I figured I’d use this platform as an interactive database to who I am, and what I’ve done, and share my experience as a human in this life, both professionally - and personally.

I want to share what has moved me, what has shaped me, and how I am the person I am today because of it all in hopes to inspire people like yourself to dream big, and achieve whatever aspirations to you seak, especially those of you in the film industry - because let’s face it; the industry is hard enough as it is, so why not band together and learn from one another.

I hope whatever you find on this site helps motivate you to be your best self, and do what you love.

- Julian
